ShakespeareWelcome to the course webpage for this class. All of the materials for the class will be available on this site. I hope you enjoy the class!
Course IntroductionShakespeare's LifeWherein we learn a little bit about the life of the bard.
Macbeth 1.1
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_2_-_group_answer_sheet_.docx |
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_2_-_student_worksheet_.docx |
Romeo and Juliet Act 3
Wherein the bodies start to hit the floor, Romeo catches a rap, and Juliet gets betrothed (again). We also have a look at The Globe, Shakespeare's "World."
Lecture Resources:
- Video: The Globe Theater
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_3_-_student_worksheet_.docx |
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_3_-_group_answer_sheet.docx |
Romeo and Juliet Act 4
Wherein the friar cracks a plan, Juliet takes a nap, and the (second) wedding gets cancelled. We also take a look at strategic planning and that classic humor device, the pun.
Lecture Resources:
- Video Link: Taylor Swift "Love Story"
- Video Link: Mark Knopfler "Romeo and Juliet
- Video Link: Bob Dylan "Desolation Row"
- The Open-Source Shakespeare Website
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_4_-_student_worksheet_.docx |
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_4_-_group_answer_sheet.docx |
Romeo and Juliet Act 5
Wherein everyone dies.
Lecture Resources:
- Video: Strange Adaptations of Romeo and Juliet
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_5_-_student_worksheet_.docx |
shk_-_romeo_and_juliet_act_5_-_group_answer_sheet.docx |
King Henry IV and V
Wherin we conduct a rapid and inadequately-discussed survey of the three Falstaff history plays using the quite excellent and weird Netflix adaptation, The King.
Course Documents
shakespeare_seminar_-_syllabus.gdoc |
macbeth__the_yale_annotated_shakespeare_.pdf |
맥베스대본_윌리엄세익스피어.hwp.pdf |
romeo_and_juliet__the_yale_annotated_shakespeare_.pdf |
romeo_and_juliet_-_korean_version.pdf |
hamlet__the_yale_annotated_shakespeare_.pdf |
Lecture Resources
shakespeares_sonnets__arden_shakespeare_.pdf |
shk_-_sonnets_-_worksheet_.docx |