Day One: Course IntroductionDay Two: Introduction to the Reading SectionWarm-up Discussion: What are the personality traits that lead to success? We take a look at The Eight Keys to Success with Richard St. John.
Day Three: Reading Preview TestDiscussion: Is it possible to make stress our friend? Kelly McGonigal explains that our body's reaction to stressful situations are actually helping us prepare for handling them.
Day Four: Factual QuestionsWarm-up Discussion: What is the relationship between happiness and success? You might be surprised! We look at Happiness and Success with Shawn Achor.
Day Five: Vocabulary QuestionsDay Six: Inference QuestionsDay Seven: Author Purpose, Method, and OpinionDay Eight: Sentence Restatement QuestionsDay Nine: Reference QuestionsDay Ten: Sentence Addition QuestionsDay Eleven: Summaries and ChartsDay Twelve: Reading Review Test |
Course DocumentsCourse Calendar:
This is a list of the most commonly used words (top 3000). It can be used with the Longman Dictionary, available online.
Helpful LinksTOEFL Test Website: Contains a lot of extra help, practice tests, and other assistance. free online practice tests with answers for the TOEFL reading section.
TOEFL Reading Skills Preparation: A set of videos to help familiarise you with this section.