ENG-302 Conversation 2Lecture ContentsThis webpage will contain all of the lecture materials, texts, presentations, and important links. If there is anything missing please tell me.
Course IntroductionUnit One: And we're off!Unit contents: Review of commonly used English verb tenses: simple and continuous. Dynamic and Stative verbs. Describing accomplishments and key characteristics.
Dr. Hwang's excellent paper explaining the stative continuous aspect: ![]()
Unit Two: The Future of FoodUnit contents: Real conditionals. Clauses with after, until, and when. Describing popular trends and talking about preparing food.
Unit Three: What's it worth? Unit contents: Too and enough. Modifying comparisons. Talking about time, money, prices, and value.
Unit Four: Going GlocalUnit contents: Modals of speculation. Subject and object relative clauses. Talking about advertising and people in the media.
Lecture Resources:
Unit Five: True StoriesUnit contents: Past perfect. Was/were going to; was/were supposed to. Describing stories. Making and changing plans.
Midterm Exam InstructionsThe midterm exam contains two parts. Oral Exam: Show what you know in a four minute conversation with your partner using prompts from the units we have studied in the first half of the semester. Written exam: a fill-in-the-blank exam testing student knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary from units one through five.
Unit Six: Community ActionUnit contents: Present and past passive. Passive with modals. Discussing charities and volunteer work. Offering, refusing, and excepting help.
Unit Eight: LifestylesUnit contents: Present unreal conditionals. I wish. Describing jobs and talking about work/life balance. Talking about wishes and regrets. Describing options.
Unit Nine: Yes, you can!Unit contents: Prohibition, permission, and obligation (in both present and past tense). Talking about rules and regulations in the past and in everyday life today.
Unit Ten: What if...?Unit contents: Past unreal conditionals. Modals of past probability. Talking about discoveries and mistakes. Speculating about events in the past, alternatives, and possibilities.
Lecture Resources:
Unit Eleven: ContrastsUnit contents: Gerunds and infinitives after forget, remember, and stop. Causative verbs help, let, and make. Discussing college life and scientific facts.
Final Exam InstructionsLike the midterm exam, the final contains two parts. Oral Exam: Show what you know in a four minute conversation with your partner using prompts from the units we have studied in the second half of the semester. Written exam: a fill-in-the-blank exam testing student knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary from units 6, 8, 9, and 10.
Course Documents![]()
Primary TextGoldstein, Ben & Jones, Ceri (2019). Evolve 4: Student Book. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-108-40531-7
Study Resources![]()